Friday, May 7, 2021




How does one define appreciation?

How does one describe appreciation?

How does one explain what appreciation is all about?

How does one really show appreciation?

Appreciation to me simply means telling someone that you like what he or she has done for you, or showing someone that what he or she did for you or is doing for you is not disregarded that it is well accepted; that's the way I think I should or I can describe appreciation.

The unfortunate thing is that these days just very few people are the ones that show appreciation. Most of us are not interested in showing appreciation. I can't say I know the reason why but it is painful and it is hurting. However, one cannot stop doing things for others just because someone else didn't show you appreciation for the help or the good things you did for him/her.

Just recently I took a look at myself, I took a look at how far God has led me. I took a look at how good I've been to people and how they have shown their appreciations and how they have shown me that they understood or that they're in understanding of what I have done or what I am doing for them. But I can't say there are many people that have passed through me or simply put, that I have once helped or that I have shown care that responded positively. 

I can't say that there are many people who have proven to me that what I have done or what I am doing for them is appreciated. 

From what I discovered I found out that I have a less than 10% or less than 15% of those whom I have gone out of my way to show kindness, who returned with appreciation or who still consider me important in their life.

It actually wanted to bother me so much but I remembered that in the Bible Jesus Christ healed ten lepers but just one came back to show his appreciation. The remaining nine never returned or at the time it was been reported they didn't come back, so it dawned on me that is actually a part of the human nature. 

Because the nine didn't come back to show appreciation to Jesus Christ, didn't stop Him from doing good things for other people or from healing the sick. Therefore I told myself because someone or some people have not respected what I did for them is not enough reason for me to stop doing good to other people.

Because I know that some of you reading this right now are thinking or saying "I can't do good to anyone again because the people that I have done good to have never returned to show me appreciation." Some of them even when they met you in a situation where they're supposed to help you never did. Then because of that you decided that you will never help anyone again.

No! whether they show you appreciation or not don't stop doing good. Whether they show you appreciation or not don't stop being you. Whether they show you appreciation or not don't stop shining your light into the life of other people. 

You don't know why you are still alive, you don't know why you're enjoying the little benefits you enjoy.

My dear friend keep doing good, keep showing kindness, continue pointing your good light towards others. Keep showing people that you're created to be a good person not because you're pretending but because it is your nature.

One day one day, Someday someday, you will live to enjoy the benefits of all the kindness you've shown to people.  Like Ralph Waldo Emerson said "kindness is like a perfume you can't spray it on others without a bit of it touching you."

Just keep doing good and showing kindness, keep loving.

God bless you.

I am Sirnoel

I see the world differently.

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