Tuesday, January 18, 2011


If attitude is a choice it means that we decide how to relate to others and how to handle situations that arises in our schools and homes.
What you are known at school and home for is totally the choice you have made by yourself.
When someone fights anywhere and at any place it means that he/she decided to do so by choice. There is nothing in this life that dictates how we should behave or react to things that happen around us. 
If you feel bad about something that happens it is exactly how you chose to feel; there is nothing that says that you can’t chose to feel different. You should know that almost everything that we do in life is by choice, including being happy.
If how we behave or act is by choice, then I think the best thing for us to do is to choose positive attitude rather than negative.
Even in our class work and exams how we perform is totally dependent on our attitude towards a particular subject or teacher. It has been proved that students who have positive attitude toward their teacher and a particular subject always understand that subject better and also perform better.
There is no student who can be a good student without good attitude. That is to say good attitude makes a good student.
It is a well known fact that success in life comes from our attitude to life and the things we do (education or vocation).
CONCLUSION:           Someone says, “Attitude is the best word in English language. It applies in every spheres of life, including personal and professional.” You must understand that the foundation of your success not minding whatever field you have choosing in life is your attitude.
Let this be boldly written in your heart, “your attitude determines your altitude and also creates your altitude.” (ALTITUDE IS:       A. the height of something above a specific level.)
Nobody, not any one of us can get higher than his or her way of behaving. You should know that your behavior either compels people or expels people. Choose the right attitude so that right people will come and success will be your friend.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


(a)    Attitude is a way of thinking or behaving.
(b)    Attitude is an opinion or general feeling about something.
(c)    Attitude is the established way of responding to people and situation that is learnt based on the beliefs, values and assumption.

There are three factors that determine our attitude.
(a)    Our Environment. (b) Our experience and (c) The education we have received or receiving.
A,         OUR ENVIRONMENT consists of (1) HOME: positive or negative influences. (2) SCHOOL: negative and positive peer pressure. (3) WORK PLACE: supportive or critical co-workers, supervisor or CEO. (4) MEDIA: TV, newspapers, magazines, radio and movies. (5) CULTURAL, RELIGIOUS AND TRADITIONAL BELIEF SYSTEM: it is these three things that form bases for our belief, value and assumption. (6) SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT.
It is very much important for us to step back and at what kind of environment we go to. We should also look at what kind of environment that we have created for ourselves and those people around us.
It will be a tough battle for one to expect positive behavior in a negative environment. That is the reason why you see that in societies where lawlessness becomes the law the citizens find it difficult to do the right thing. However, we all have the ability to change our environment or create a better environment for ourselves and others.
You can bear me witness that in positive environment someone who ordinarily does not perform very well starts to perform better and also in a negative environment someone who does things very well could start underperforming.
  (B)     OUR EXPERIENCE: Our experience comes from events and what had happened to us in the time past.
How we relate to people around us is dependent on the experience we have gotten overtime. There are people today we would not for any reason have anything in common because of how they treated us in the time past.
Our experience based on events and happenings becomes our bases for reference. Our conclusions about things, people and life are also drawn from experience.
(C)       OUR EDUCATION: At this juncture I will like you to know that what we are talking about here is source of learning. Where, what and who we are learning from.  These things are very much important to us because they build our attitude. If you follow wrong learning you will have wrong attitude and if you have right education your attitude will also be right and positive.
Learning will lead to knowledge and when you apply knowledge very well it will translate to wisdom.
Let me tell you this; the role of teachers is very vital; because teachers affect eternity. It is teachers through education (school teacher, church teacher or any other form) that teaches us how to make a living and also how to live our life.