Sunday, September 22, 2024


“Fruitfulness requires conscious thinking and strategic action.” Sirnoel


Many of us want to be fruitful. We want our businesses to grow. We want to be promoted in our workplace. We tend to forget that, “Fruitfulness does not come from what you know… it comes from what you do with what you know.”

Lots of people out there know so much but only very few put what they know into practice. Many have lots of excuses and explanations to make as in why things are not working for them.
Action is required for fruitfulness to be activated and if you want to achieve sustainability, you do not take action on impulse or emotion.

You take calculated action. Emotions have no place in the life of those who have achieved fruitfulness and those who are achieving greatness.

God in Genesis chapter one knew the potentials that the world He wanted to create has. He decided to take things one step at a time. He did not act out based on the future He was so sure of. He used His style in creation to show us hoe we should approach life to have a good result and fruitfulness.

Anyone who wishes to be fruitful must as a matter of fact take steps are not powered by his emotions or what others said or would say but based on his conviction and as directed by the Holy Spirit.
For one to be fruitful and enjoy fruitfulness, the person must think deeper before taking any action. Shallow or emotional thinkers do not go very far in life. They tend to end up blaming 'hard luck' for their failure to go far or achieve their goals.

Fruitfulness requires action based on strategic planning. Jesus Christ said before you build a house, you have to sit down and make calculations to know what it would cost you. After calculating, you might probably not have all the money needed at the time of calculation, you can still go ahead and start your building; however, you know how much you are expecting to spend to achieve your desired home.

Take action to achieve fruitfulness based on what you know. If you don't know much, Ask God through His Spirit to show you. James wrote "if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask the father who gives freely to give to him."

Have a blessed day and keep being fruitful.


I am Sirnoel

I see the world differently

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