The greatest thing that can happen to any human being is to find someone that loves him and show him love expressly without asking for anything in return. The reason is because all humans seek after love. All of us want someone who will tell us how much he loves us and also go ahead to show us love practically.
Love is
expensive and rare to find in today's world because humans cannot be trusted.
Many people profess love but do not practice love. So many people have been
hurt because they loved someone who does not deserve their love. Some people
are devastated emotionally and psychologically today because of how someone
misused the love they gave to the person. There are so much heart break and
pain all because someone loved a wrong person. However, not minding all these
pains and even shame, there is still LOVE SO AMAZING.
AMAZING is found in Christ. The man who responded to HIS Father's heart cry for
love. God the Father looked down from His everlasting throne and discovered
that men lacked love. He saw that men were and still in need of love; He them
shouted out of desperation “whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Jesus
Christ the only Begotten of the Father out of LOVE SO AMAZING responded in
affirmative. He said “here am I; send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)
God knew
that for Him to show human being how much He loves them; He has to do something
out of the ordinary. What did He do? He gave His only Son and all He is asking
you to do is to believe in Him. He is
asking you to believe in Him so that you don't have to perish or suffer in life
after now. (John 3:16) What God is requesting from you as a person is not easy
but it is possible and achievable.
Jesus Christ
does not care about how bad your life has been. He does not care if you have
hated Him all these while. He does not care about the level of sin you have
committed. He doesn't care if you have killed or shed blood through any means.
He doesn't care if you live in lie or sexual immorality. He doesn't care about
how much you have pretended to be righteous. He doesn't care if you have hated
and persecuted believers and preachers. He knew that you are living in these
sins before He agreed to die on your behalf. Jesus knows the level of your
sinful life. He understands all your struggles. He knows everything about your
secret and public life; yet He choose to die for you. (Romans 5:8)
My friend
all Jesus Christ is asking you to do now is for you to come to Him. In Matthew
11:28 He says “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest.” Jesus Christ is calling you today to come to Him and enjoy HIS
Before you
drop this paper in your hand, take a second to think about the type of death
this man Jesus Christ died as a result of sins of mankind. Remember He was
taken to Calvary and hung on a cross. He was nailed to that cross. He was
beaten and people spat on his face. He was given a crown of thorn. He went
through so many shameful and humiliating things just because He loves you.
Remember He committed no crime of his own. 1 John 3:5 “And ye know that he was
manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.”
Do not
ignore Him, come to Him today. Pray this prayer;
Jesus, I am a sinner. I believe you are the son of God and died for my
sins on the cross. Forgive all of my sins. Jesus, I repent and ask
you to have mercy on me, a sinner, and come into my life. Give me your
spirit and your power. Help me to follow and obey your ever loving
teachings, and to live for you. Jesus, I give you my life and my
heart. Please come and take full control of my life style from this
moment upward. Write my name in your book of life. Thank you for hearing my
prayer. Thank you for coming into my life. Amen.
(image credit to http://www.sharefaith.com)
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