Saturday, March 23, 2013


We all are born to make it in this life; however, it depends on how we look at our world of possibilities. That who has been able to make it made it because he saw possibility in the activity he found himself. Most of us do not see possibility in anything. But life experience has taught me that there are so much possibilities around all of us.
Anyone who does not see possibility in what he or she does has 2% of chances of making it. But that man or woman that sees possibility has 98% of making it. Use those that go into mountain race for example. Mountain race is the most tedious of all the races. Because the first thing that you hear is “mountain” the name alone should bring fear into anyone that runs it. But because that person has seen the possibility of becoming a champion he/she goes into the competition without fear.
Everyone that runs a race knows that he is not the only one on the race. In a global race both blacks and whites do run together. There is no colour, tribe, race or tongue demarcation here. Therefore, so it is in everything we do in this world. The colour of your skin does not matter. The language or place you were born does not matter. What matters is what you see and what you have chosen to become or the height you decided to attain.
For anyone to make a life, create a living and succeed here on earth that person must see his/her future so bright. Not minding the thick darkness that he/she is seeing now. You have to be positive enough to see the dim light that shines at the end of the tunnel. Do not allow the circumstances that are surrounding you to dictate for you. The thing that killed Esau of the Bible was that he allowed his present circumstance to cover his eyes and he made a grave mistake. So many young people have sold their future because they were not able to look up and straight to see that there is a light shining at the end of the tunnel. Just because the light was not bright enough does not mean that it will die off, no it won’t. The reason why the light is dim is because you are still a little far from it. As you get closer you will discover that the light is getting brighter.  Someone says, “I am not where I should be but I am not where I used to be, I have moved on and I am still moving on.” This is what everyone that runs mountain race say. This is the word that has kept so many of us going.
No matter what is going on in your life now. Look well, you will discover that you are not where you use to be. That though you are not soaring, running or leaping, that you are neither going back nor standing still. You are moving forward. Some of your mates have gotten what you are looking for, I know that. There are still some of your mates that have not gotten even the one you have. And to make the matter worst, some of your mates and friends those you have eaten and drank together with this year are dead already. They died with their dream, aspiration, intelligence and whatever God has deposited in them.
I can never forget these words of Dr. David Oyedepo, “the future you cannot picture, you cannot feature.” These words are amongst the words that God used to bring back to life in 2003 when I thought that the world was over for me. When things were so bad and hard that I don’t even know where my next meal would be coming from. Things were so bad that I even considered committing suicide. Thank God for teaching me the Bible very early in life. Thanks to my parents too who made me to get so close to Bible even when I was still a child. And to all those that taught me as child in children church of National Evangelical Mission Inc I say thank you all.
God took me on a journey and started talking to me from His words in the Bible. God took me to the book of Isaiah and began teaching me things that made me to see my future brighter & brighter. It didn’t happen in a day. This journey took about a year and two months (March 2003 to April 2004). After that time I have been climbing my mountains without pain. May be you are already on your journey with God, my friend do not faint. Keep on keeping on. God didn’t fail me and he won’t fail you. May be you are still confused because you don’t even know which is which. Do not be afraid God will direct you only if you allow Him to.
Listen to me your case is not the worst. There is no man without a serious challenge but how you handle it is the most important thing. How you handle your present situation is depending on what you are seeing now. If you see a brighter future God will help you get there. If you see a damned future the devil will help you get there…
Don’t forget that this is all a race of… there are possibilities everywhere…those that run mountain race see champion possibility not the mountain in front of them.
The question now is…what do you see?

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