Gender is our legal status as men & women or boys or
girls. Being a man or woman is determined by our sex organs. Also by our
behaviors and characteristics.
Our shape and body build up contribute also to our gender. Therefore
it becomes a funny thing when a man or a woman tries to look like a woman. God
who made us with our looks and shapes was not sleeping and didn’t make us man
or woman by mistake. God knew so well what we would look like before giving us
our shapes.
God gave men broad shoulders with muscle while he gave women
breast and hips. The reason why God gave men broad shoulders, strong arms and
muscles is not for men to use it to subdue women. Beat them up, rape them or
force them into sexual relationship. Men are created with strong arms because
they need to work to provide for their wives and children. Men have muscles so
that they can be able to protect women. Keep them safe in time of danger. Men
are supposed to act as security for women.
One thing that has amazed for a long time is how male
chimpanzee protects a female chimpanzee. Not just female chimpanzee, male
chimpanzee also feels jealousy when he sees a human male walking hand in hand
with a human female. Male chimpanzee sees himself as a guard and a protector of
women. But unfortunately most human males are out there to destroy their female
Now for women; God gave them breast, hips and the shape we
call figure eight, not for them to use it to seduce men. Not for them to use it
cause confusion in the society. I have heard it so many times when girls would
be bragging; saying, “Immediately he saw my shape and looked at cleavage he
became confused and did all that I asked him to do.” It is a pity when we miss
use the free gift of nature.
God so much endowed Black women that their beauty is
something to be proud of. The way God caved black ladies made them look
outstanding. But using God’s endowment to seduce or to lead men astray is abuse
of free gift of nature.
Girls are created by God and nature empowered them to be mothers.
The breast on their chest is for feeding humans. Every woman is created a
manager. Women are natural economists. God packaged women in a very unique way
that even small girl children sometimes want to play mother and show care to
even their older brothers and sisters.
With what I have written so far; you will discover that being
a woman does not make you a prey to men. It only means that you have someone to
look up to. Not as a lord but as a partner. You will also know that being a
woman does not make an inferior creature. We all we come to understand that no
gender is better or more important than the other one because we are created to
complement each other. Just as Ndi Igbo will say “aka nri kwuo aka ekpe, aka
ekpe akwuo aka nri.” Meaning “left hand washes the right hand and the right hand
washes the left hand.” This is what God expect from us. With better
understanding amongst men and women our world would be a much better place to
We have to understand that the role one plays as a man or a
woman is in the society is determined by the society one found himself/herself in.
Therefore, it is unfortunate that we that are here in Nigeria are trying to
live like the Americans or Europeans. We tend to forget that every nation is
unique. Every culture is unique and special. If you will permit me, I will tell
you that why we are having so many problems in the family today in Africa is
because we are borrowing the good, bad and the ugly cultures of the western
I am not saying that we should go back into dark ages. But
we should know when to draw a line. The high level of divorce in America is
caused by their weak marriage institution. Today in Africa we are joining them
because women in Africa are trying so hard to become independent. Well God that
created us (male & female) made us to be interdependent.
We have discarded the thing that made us a people. We
discarded what made us special and we are trying so hard to borrow another
man’s culture and behavior.
Men are said to be the head while women are the neck all of
us know that without the neck the head cannot turn. Therefore, as a man you
must have to respect a woman. You have to give her, her right place in
MALE & FEMALE is GOD’s idea therefore; there is no
imperfection in either of them. I have some men call the women “devil, satan,
useless creatures, I have also heard some women calling same.” Funny! God is
the person that created both women and men and He saw that they are perfect
after He created them.
As a man imagine a world without women. As a woman picture a
world without men. Humn! A world where you have only men without women would be
like an engine without engine oil. A world where you have only women would be
like having a beautifully packaged engine oil without an engine to use it in.
For the world population to keep growing we need each other.
Men cannot give birth neither can women become pregnant without men. Be wise in
dealing with each other.
“So God created a man in His own image, in the image of God
created He him; male and female created He them.” Genesis 1:27
Men are not devils also women are not demons. Each of us are
here to fulfill the purpose of God for creating each gender.
“And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was
very good.” Genesis 1:31
Please lets us respect one another. No one is greater and no
one is lesser. GOD BLESS YOU