“Wisdom is the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have”
“Ability to make sensible decisions,” before we progress, I will like you to ask yourself this question. How many times in my life, this year, this month, this week and today have I been able to make a sensible decision? How many good opportunity have I lost because the decision I made was not sensible enough?
You may bear me witness that the reason why you are where you are now is because you were not able to make a wise and sensible decision at a particular point in your life, or because you were able to make just one wise and sensible decision. Most of the things we have or lost are tied down to the wisdom we have or to our lack of wisdom. Many people make their decisions in anger, excitement or fear. Believe it or not, most of the decisions made at the highest level of emotion are regretted shortly afterward. (I will write about this later in this series). Any time one makes a decision and acts on it with good judgment rather than emotion, the result is always wonderful and commendable.
Another point is this; “…and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge you have.” Let me quickly say this, “Experiences are nothing if we can’t learn lesson from them.” I want you to understand that our knowledge is ever boosted by our experiences. No one can claim to have knowledge of a thing if he/she does not have any experience about that thing. If one have never sat under a teacher, it may be difficult for that person to be able to teach others. Experience is so important to us humans, that is the reason why it takes a good servant to become a good leader. It is your experience that will boost your knowledge; both joined together will take you to the top. This experience may either be what you have gone through personally or what someone else went through. You are either aware of it by being there when it happened or you heard about it as a story.
As you learn from others you also learn from yourself. Experience is very important for our survival, success and growth. However, if you have not learnt anything from your past experience then you are not wise. “Experience is not what happened to a man but what a man does with what happens to him” says Aldous Leonard Huxley. Ask yourself these question; how many times have I been able to learn from what happened to others? Alfred Sheinwold says, “learn all you can from the mistakes of others. You won’t have time to make them all yourself.” This experience may either be positive or negative.
We prefer to wallow in self pity whenever we make mistake. We don’t always learn from our mistakes. Most people take advantage of what had befallen them; they use it as a gateway to extort money from others. (I hope you are not offended by my choice of words?) What should you call someone who is using his/her predicament as a begging tool? Well, let’s leave that one for now.
Wisdom for peak performance: no one had ever succeeded without applying the right wisdom for any event. Students that quarrel with their lecturers and teachers are those who lack wisdom, (that does not mean you should allow your teacher or lecturer to mislead you). In everything we do, we need WISDOM. “Wisdom is the principle thing” says the Bible in Proverbs chapter 4 verse 7. We all need WISDOM for us to Perform at our Peak.
Thank you dear friend, let us meet in another edition as I will take you into the Wisdom you need to perform at you highest peak.