There is a popular saying that says “when the purpose of a
thing is not known, abuse becomes inevitable.” Let me start what I’m about
writing with like this. To me the argument on gay marriage should not have come
up at all if we really understand the purpose of marriage. As a Bible Student
and teacher the Bible told us some of the purposes of marriage.
The two major reasons for marriage is
Genesis 2:18 “And
the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will
make him an help meet for him.” God saw that the man needed a person by his
side. Animals and trees are not enough. Therefore God gave him a friend and
companion, some of his own kind. Few months ago on twitter it was a serious
discussion and war of words between my humble self and some gays. One of the
gays said that, we all have freedom of association, there is no way someone
will tell him who should be his companion and I laughed because man & woman
relationship goes beyond companionship.
The reason why sex outside marriage is
a great sin is because people enter into blood covenant they are not ready to
maintain. If man and woman relationship is just about companionship, it means
that many boys & girls will be living together. The argument will be; after
all he/she is the person I want around me at this point in time. (This is a
talk for another day.)
As an Igbo this statement “mother of my
child or father of my child” is alien to our culture. What is known to my
culture and ancestors is “my wife or my husband.” Igbo men & women are
proud & always want to showcase their husband or their wife. (This is the
only reason why teenage pregnancy is minimal in Igbo land. Children outside wedlock
or conventional family has a serious societal stigma both for the parents &
the child.) The Western nations especially USA has so much bastardized MARRIAGE
UNION with their unending divorce spree. That is why someone can addressed as
mother of someone’s child(ren)without the person necessarily being the wife of
the man. So man & woman living together is God’s design. It is what God
prescribed. But living as husband & wife. God does not and did not design
man & man marriage or woman & woman marriage.
2;-PROCREATION: Genesis 1:26-28 “And
God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the
cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth
upon the earth. 27 So God
created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male
and female created he them. 28
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish the earth.”
It very important for us to understand that God wants men
and women to live together and reproduce so that the earth will not lack human
beings. Because these are what formed the basis of family and the reason why
gay marriage and relationship is anti God and anti nature. Remember that prior to the creation of man God has
already commanded all the animals He created to multiply and replenish the
Even when God created animals most of
them are created male & female. When God told Noah to take animals into the
boat he built, He (God) told him to take them male & female. So if God
wants male and female to reproduce where does man and man or woman and woman
marriage relationship come from?
It is the devil’s plan to keep man in
perpetual bondage. The devil wants to make people live in sin and with a seared
conscience. Because people of today worship the devil in so many ways God gave
them up unto vile affections: for even their women & men did change the
natural use of their body into that which is against nature & God.” (Romans 1:26) (Emphasis added by me.)
God wants to have many people live in
this world and am so sure that if gay marriage were to be the order of the day
before now, the world would not have up to 7billion persons. Gay relationship
is taking people lower than the dogs which are considered the dirtiest when it
comes to sex.
Christ died to set sinners free. Therefore if you are living in bondage of same
sex sexual relationship come to Jesus Christ now and He will forgive you and
guide you on how to lead a more better life. A life your family and children
born or unborn will be proud of.
Same sex sexual relationship is a
serious heavy load but Jesus Christ says “come unto me all you that labour and
heavy laden.” Jesus Christ is ready to guide you out of that evil. Thank you.